My first job was to make a path down the side of the veg patch, it used to be a grass edge but I hated how untidy it was getting. As per usual I bodged it a bit, but I'm just a girl so its not bad.
I recycled more of the old fence wood, I do wonder if anyone watches me trifling with the dangerous weapons ie' a saw'. I do still have all my fingers!
I made the path out of bark chippings on top of weed suppressing material. Lets see how long it lasts. So I've dug most of the veg patch over, probably the first of many. Its good to get turning the earth as it encourages the birds to eat up the pests (as if they need encouragement!)
Don't you love fresh new shoots. The top pic is the new leaves of aquilegia 'Nora Barlow' which I grew from seed last spring, hopefully there will be flowers this spring. The one above is a tip of a camassia which I planted in the Autumn.